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Nowadays, creating a responsive yet alluring website is very important to decrease the bounce rate and grow your business. Thanks to WordPress , which provides numerous essential features while designing a website . With the availability of various WordPress themes, you can now create your own website easily.
However, it is very important that you carefully choose a WordPress theme as the look and feel of your website will depend on it. It will not only help you increase the organic traffic but will also help you outshine the crowd. Here are some of the essential features you should consider while choosing your ideal WordPress theme.
Responsive Design
There are various WordPress themes available, and each one of them comes with a distinctive design. The right design is always subjective and varies from person to person. However, one factor you should focus on while choosing the theme is its responsiveness. With the increase in technology, the users now want quick responses and access to websites through different devices such as tablets and mobile phones.
Choosing a responsive website becomes important as it will directly impact the number of customers visiting your website. You should look for a website that will work effectively and efficiently on your desktop and mobile devices. Owing to the use of responsive design, the admin will not have to maintain multiple content sets, websites, and User Interfaces.

Style Of The Page
The style of the page, as the name suggests, is the layout of the theme of your website. It is very important that you should choose a simple and uncluttered theme for your website to be attractive and easy to use. It is highly recommended that you should opt for a page style that is convenient for the users.
Pages and posts are two of the main things that help in storing your website’s data. People often regard them as similar. However, it is not true at all. The key difference among these two is the way of representation of the data. Posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, whereas pages are displayed in a hierarchical manner.
In order to increase the organic traffic, it is advised that you should take proper care of the pages of your website. The style of the page highly depends on the type of content it is storing. Therefore, you should wisely choose the style of the page that comes with flawless and smooth transitions.

SEO Friendly Theme
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is one of the best ways to promote your website and get it listed on the search engine. While looking for your ideal WordPress Theme, you should choose a theme that will help you in SEO optimization and ranking. The readability of the website by the search engine, conversion rate optimization, external SEO plugins compatibility, and the speed of the website are some of the things your website should include.
In addition to this, you can also make your website, even more, SEO-friendly by making the website content specific and adding the URL in permalink form. This will help you grow your website in the long run.
One of WordPress’s biggest features is that each of the themes, be it paid or free, allows the admin to customize it freely. Theme Customization allows you to create your unique design and make your website stand out from other websites that have used a pre-designed theme template.
You can either choose to code or go for non-coding to customize the theme. This is the path to choose if you have a lot of coding experience. However, it is important that you should carefully make the changes; otherwise, your website can end up looking like a mess. On the other hand, if you don’t know much about coding, you can choose the non-coding method. In this, you can customize your website using the inbuilt plugin support.
Social Media Friendly
With the advancement of technology, Social Media has now become a very powerful tool that helps a business connect with its consumers. Social Media is one of the most essential features that help businesses increase their reach. So you must choose a WordPress theme that supports connection to social media.
Some popular social media accounts you should connect with your website are Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+. Availability of Social Media helps share the content of your website easily and further, leading to an increase in traffic. Not just this, but if you have a theme that does not have social media support, you can download the required plugins to include your social media accounts.
Support And Update
WordPress is one of the most reliable sources of creating a website, and the developers keep on new features and updates to maintain smooth running. Therefore, you should always check that your theme has the Support and Update feature while choosing a theme. You can ensure this by checking the description of the theme.
These are some Essential Features In A Theme, and I hope it helps you to find what you are looking for. If you liked this blog, you can check more related blogs on Themeholt website.